- Improving information spreading processes in social media with supporting seeding
- Mixture based seed selection for viral marketing in social media
- And other topics related to information spreading processes and viral marketing
TOPICS FOR Master and engineering STUDENTS
- Social platforms and social network analysis
- The spread of information in social networks
- Viral Marketing in Social Media
- Agent based simulations of social systems
- The study of user behavior in social systems
- Monitoring of social media

This course delivers extensive knowledge with both practical and theoretical background in the area of dynamics documents programming on the Web with main focus on the front end of applications. Exercises are be based on Document Object Model and several technologies like HTML5, JavScript, JQuery, CSS, XML and integration of them with the use of AJAX. Exercises will cover bigger project related to e-commerce divided into several parts with the use of several libraries and technologies. After the course participants will be able to implement online systems with the integration of several technologies. Acquired skills are related to theoretical and technical aspects of online platforms and systems. Competences are related to group work and ability to solve practical problems

The main goal of this course it to deliver students extensive knowledge with both practical and theoretical background in the area of technologies and analytical methods used in e-commerce and online marketing. Exercises will be based on planning new online businesses and launching practical solutions within selected ecommerce platforms, planning and launching online campaigns with advertising servers, using analytical tools for data analysis, integration of proposed solutions with social platforms. Analytical part includes web mining techniques, social network analysis and visualization methods. After the course participants will be able to plan, implement and optimize online businesses and marketing campaigns with dedicated systems. Acquired skills are related to both technical and analytical aspects of online business and marketing. Competences are related to group work and ability to solve practical problems.